Friday, February 19, 2010

The Litany Against Temper

Gentle Readers, Crusader Manners apologizes for not having updated you sooner. She did, in fact, win the GM election. She has several posts half written for you, and none of them are quite right yet. So in the meantime, she offers you the following excellent advice, adapted from the original Litany by S.M. Stirling for his novels.

I must not lose my temper.
Temper-temper-temper is the bum-killer.
Temper is the little mistake which leads to you lying
On the ground wondering Oi! What's with all this spreading
pool of blood then?
I will permit it to pass over and through me.
And when it has gone past the other bugger
Will be the only one bleeding.
Only I will remain, wiping off me knife.

Crusader Manners thinks this is her new mantra.