Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Expectations for Casual Raiding

Gentle readers, Crusader Manners is in the middle of a GM election. She is running against that pesky "None of the Above," but she working very hard to make sure that she is ready for the eventuality that she does not lose.

So today's post is something of an experiment. Crusader Manners is not a big fan of rules, per se. Rules imply external enforcement, which is unpleasant. She likes expectations, which require self-enforcement. So she has formulated the following expectations for casual raiding which should ease stress and increase performance, but she is soliciting feedback.

Expectations for Casual Raiding
  1. We will have what we need. We will be in the right spec, wearing the right gear. We will be fully repaired. We will have our own potions, flasks, and elixirs. We will bring the proper reagents. We will have vendor food and drink in case there is no mage.
  2. We will be on time. This means that we may have to log on before the posted raid time to make sure we have everything taken care of.
  3. We will be gracious. If we have been on a raid already this week and someone else has not, we will consider making room for them.
  4. We will be honest. If, in the analysis, we do not have the right gear or performance for a particular raid, we will voluntarily pass for a reserved spot on a less demanding one.
  5. We will be prepared. We will read the wiki pages and watch the strategy videos in preparation for a raid. We will consider printing them out or taking notes so we have them at hand.
  6. We will be awesome. We will be not raid while intoxicated, as this is not fair to the group. We will not cuss each other out during fights (we can take our fingers off the button and cuss away). We will offer constructive criticism.
As always, you may send your questions to for polite and sometimes timely answers.

1 comment:

  1. "We will be not raid while intoxicated"

    Oh man. I've tried. Believe me, I've tried. But I've run out of other coping mechanisms.
