Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Crusader Manners received three very good questions from one writer. Some of them require more thought than others, so I am answering them separately.

Should there be a limit on lending gold to friends/guildies/etc? I hate to poke at people about money, but I do want to help them.

When you have a friend who has just come to your server, a suitable gift is 4 netherweave bags and a sum from anywhere from 10-100 gold, depending on your own gold reserves. More than that, your friend will appreciate your time, advice, and help.

Later on, Crusader Manners is not a big fan of loaning gold. If you want to give someone gold for their mounts, or items, that's fine. Otherwise, it's best to avoid what could be an awkward situation. Do not loan anything more than you are prepared not to get back.

If you must loan gold, clearly communicate via email how much it is for and when repayment is expected.

Have a question of your own? Email crusader_manners@incendiaeternus.net for answers.

1 comment:

  1. The best kind of loan is one where you don't expect to be repaid. Then it can be a pleasant surprise if people do, or just a good favor you did them if they don't.

    This also, generally, applies to real life as well.
